I must admit, the last few months have been exciting. A lot of things
happened, a lot has changed. After quite a serious final push I was
done with my final diploma project for the university and I have
successfully passed the public defense of it. After that I fully devoted
myself to art and very intense studies, and hopefully that's how things
will remain indefinitely. Here are the latest illustrations I painted, I
hope you like them as much I liked working on them.
I love exploring mood and trying to reinforce the mood I'm after with the use of light. This is what I tried to do in this one, Respite.
Respite |
This one is called Dodge and Burn. Once again, exploring mood, it was inspired by the title of the upcoming The Dead Weather album. I just like how the words and also the attitude of this band's music. This started as a 1.5h speed-painting (which can be seen below too) and then I took my time developing it a lot further.
Dodge and Burn |
This one is a present for the birthday of a very dear friend of mine. I decided to call the girl in the image Elise, no real reason behind it, it's just a lovely name.
Elise |
The images that follow are all speed-paintings that took me 1.5hours each. It's always challenging and fun to try to present an idea in such short time. And a good exercise too! The first one is a Dark Souls fan-art, Grave lord Nito. The fifth one is a Stephen King's The Gunslinger fan-art. The rest are original ideas.